APEST – Apostle

In his book Creating a Missional Culture, JR Woodward calls Apostles “Dream Awakeners.” I love this 2-word descriptor and plan to revisit it in this short article. However, as a person with an Apostolic gift, it’s better to begin with, the shadow side of the Apostle....

Who is my neighbor?

Jesus offers a story, one of the least confusing stories he tells, and a conclusion everyone is your neighbor. I do not want to disagree with Jesus. Still, his parable does not predict the future of suburban sprawl, radical individualism, and homes designed for privacy, not community. I want to add to the thought everyone is your neighbor and that your neighbor is also very much your neighbor.

The Power of Core Values

I believe it was Jerry McGuire who said, “I began writing what they call a mission statement. Not a memo; a mission statement…you know, a suggestion for the future of our company. I entitled it ‘The Things We Think, and Do Not Say’.” Now as far as mission statements...

The Power of Core Values

I believe it was Jerry McGuire who said, “I began writing what they call a mission statement. Not a memo; a mission statement…you know, a suggestion for the future of our company. I entitled it ‘The Things We Think, and Do Not Say’.” Now as far as mission statements...

Incorporating Your Vision

Incorporating Your Vision

Several years ago, a group of friends and I wanted to start a new nonprofit organization. We spent countless hours in the months leading up to the launch of this venture, dreaming and planning. Still, like most other start-ups, we focused most of this time on vision...

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The Church Budget and its Impact on Stewardship

The Church Budget and its Impact on Stewardship

The church is not a business. Often times we use a statement like that to give ourselves permission to not be good planners. The thought is that since we aren’t selling a product or service we shouldn’t be using any kind of business principles to help lead a local...

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A sizable engine funding mission is debt…

A sizable engine funding mission is debt…

You might logically conclude that the organizational growth of the church today, like the first-century church, is limited by Christians around the world’s ability to fund the movement. To some degree, that’s correct, but a different and sizeable engine funding ministry today is debt. Driving movement with debt creates a stewardship issue that raises essential questions of ministry sustainability.

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